	Important factors that influence the quality of embroidery digitizing</p>

If you see an embroidered pattern on any T-shirt, cap, hat, jacket it is because of a digital means of converting vector to a readable file on embroidery computer that involves needle use, color charts, sewing directions, etc. which is called embroidery digitization. It takes years of experience to digitize quality products and a lot of expertise and understanding. However, the flawless embroidery heavily depends on the perfect quality of the embroidery digitizing and for the purpose, many important factors that influence the quality of embroidery digitizing are taken care of such as

Categories of stitching

A particular type of stitch is assigned to each design after the embroidery digitization is done. This work follows a basic process of getting a particular stitch design, including run, satin and fills stitches assigned to them accordingly to their outcome. The only way to being an innovation in this area is to decide how the stitches will be used with the image, what will be the direction, at what time will they start and end and in which stitch direction and it is indeed the finalization of this step and the decisions made here that affect the quality and the appearance of the design and embroidery.

Choice of the right software

It is very essential that the quality of the image that needs to be embroidered should be of top resolution otherwise the design quality will be thoroughly effected and for avoiding this haphazard it is necessary for embroidery digitizing services and their experts to choose the best software to maintain the quality of the image that has to be sent for the embroidery digitizing. There are a lot of options available in the market with very fancy features but we at genius digitizing knows the importance of choosing the right one.

Regulating the Push and Pull impact

One of the factors that influence the quality of embroidery digitizing is the push and pull effect of the fabric which usually affects the bulkier fabric. It is a situation where some of the stitches get shifted to a position where they weren't required therefore it becomes essential to rectify them as soon as possible.

Distinguishing the underlay stitches

The basis of the embroidery is said to be the underlay stitches as they are very important for solidifying the fabric to the backing and for furnishing a smooth core for the design. In the absence of underlay stitches, the fabric will start sinking down and will result in the poor quality of embroidery digitizing.

The fabric’s influence on the digitizing

As embroidery digitization takes a lot of factors into consideration for attaining the perfection, the fabric, however, is one of the main components in this regard. The logo embroidery digitizing services uses a lot of different fabric for a different kind of quality of digitizing according to the required process of embroidery. The professionals at the embroidery digitizing services know what kind of fabric is appropriate for attaining the highest quality of the embroidery. It is also necessary to keep the weight of fabric into consideration as high-density stitches don't appear pleasing on fluid or light fabrics but appear pleasing on heavier fabric. The nature of the fabric also accounts for influencing the choices of stitches assignment during the embroidery digitization process.

To get your hands on the quality embroidery digitized logos and designs, contact us.>/p?